Harlington School is committed to healthy eating and is proud of the excellent school meal service which is delivered by Chartwells. The school has been awarded the Healthy School Silver Status. The dining room has a café style layout and a cashless payment system. Students may bring in their own food if they so wish but the school encourages students to eat healthy packed lunches.
Please note that we will confiscate and dispose of ‘energy drinks’ such as Red Bull, Monster or similar from students due to the detrimental effect on children’s behaviour and health. Water is always available and will be provided if an energy drink is confiscated.
The following is a general guide to the food on offer in the Dining Hall:
- There is a meat and a vegetarian hot food choice served every day as well as jacket potatoes, pasta dishes, paninis and a hot pudding.
- Fish and chips are served every Friday, along with other hot choices.
- There is a choice of Halal and Non Halal meat dishes every day – all chicken dishes are offered as Halal and Non Halal; other meats are Non Halal unless clearly specified on the day of serving.
- Our cold food offer includes sandwiches, wraps, baguettes and rolls. A choice of cheese, egg, ham, tuna and chicken fillings are usually available. We also have fruit, cakes and salads and a wide range of bottled water, fruit juice or milk-based drinks is available. Jugs of water and a water fountain are available at no charge.
Students in Years 7 – 11 are not permitted to leave Harlington School premises at break or lunchtime to buy food or to go home. We do not permit takeaway food to be brought in to school, delivered or consumed on the premises, including by the Sixth Form. It will be confiscated and disposed of without a refund.