The Importance of Home Learning
Completing home learning is essential to supporting the progress which students make at school. It gives students the opportunity to prepare for future lessons, reinforce the content which has been learned in class or develop an extended piece of work.
We provide regular opportunities for students to complete ‘Prep’ home learning in order to enable us to explore their knowledge and understanding at greater depth within lessons. It is essential that students complete this ‘Prep work’ to the best of their ability to enable them to maximise their in-school learning time.
We ask that parents talk to their children about their homework and check their homework regularly. Homework Club runs Monday to Thursday from 3 – 4pm in C6.
‘The 3 Ps’
The aim of home learning is to foster the development of independent learning skills. Various types of tasks will be set, appropriate to the age and ability of students. Traditional homework of the ‘finish and complete’ nature will occasionally be set, but at Harlington we utilise ‘The 3 Ps’.