Uniform & Equipment

We believe that a uniform creates a feeling of belonging. Harlington students are proud to wear Harlington School’s uniform as a symbol of identity and school unity. We are unapologetic about having high expectations about the wearing of our uniform. All students are required to wear full school uniform at all times, including to and from school. Dealing with inappropriate uniform matters detracts from time devoted to learning so thank you in advance for your support in this matter.

All students are expected to wear their shirt, tie and blazer with lapel year “pin” badge at all times in lessons and around school (with the exception of PE lessons). If a student loses a year badge or their year group tie, replacements must be purchased from finance. Students will be issued these items free of charge in the September they join the school, and in Year 11. They will have the same colour stripe/ badge throughout their time in the school from year 7 – 10.

Year group colours:
Year 7 – Green
Year 8 – Light Blue
Year 9 – Orange
Year 10 – Purple
Year 11 – Plain Navy
Sixth Form – Red Lanyard & ID badge

Students who are not in correct uniform and who do not have a note from their parent explaining the reason will be offered uniform to borrow, secluded from other students, or issued a School Detention. If pupils bring or wear non-uniform items to school, they will be confiscated. Failure to hand items over, or a refusal to change into provided items will result in a student being internally excluded for failing to follow staff requests. Students in the Sixth Form who are not wearing clothes that adhere to the Sixth Form dress code will be sent home to change.

Please note that we will not return confiscated items to students, but only to their parents. We only return confiscated items to parents on a Friday after school, unless an appointment has previously been made with the Head of Year. Please do not turn up unannounced demanding your child’s items, as we expect support from parents in ensuring that these items are not worn in the first place, and that parents do not undermine the school in matters of uniform. Should a confiscated item be mislaid, please be aware that we will not replace it or reimburse you, whatever its value.


Main School Uniform

Compulsory Optional
Navy HS Blazer from School Supplier or a high street Navy Blazer with HS Badge from school supplier worn with year group “pin” badge on lapel  Navy HS ‘Stripe’ Jumper from School Supplier
Navy HS Tie issued from school with year group stripe, worn with the ‘H’ clearly visible Navy or black turban / hijab
Black ‘Business Style’ Trousers OR Black ‘A’ Line Knee or Ankle Length Skirt Plain coloured outer coat without large logos. 
White Shirt – hard collar, for all students, with top button closed.  Plain black or navy hair band or hair bobbles – no other hair adornments or colours for hair ties. 
Plain black shoes that can be polished – Trainers, boots and canvas shoes are not permitted. Most ‘Kickers’ styles are acceptable, but not ‘trainer’ style. Nike Air Force Trainers are NOT permitted.
Medical Note: If your child has a medical exemption from their doctor that requires them to wear trainers, then they must wear a plain black style with no visible logo and no contrasting colour sole. 

Sports Kit

Compulsory Optional
HS light blue PE polo shirt and long socks HS PE Reversible long-sleeved Jersey
HS black shorts or track bottoms
Sports trainers with non-marking soles

Uniform Rules

  • Full uniform must be worn to and from school as well as in school.
  • No ‘hoodies’ or other sports wear are permitted, including wearing them to and from school. They will be confiscated if seen, whatever the weather.
  • Shirts should be tucked into trousers/skirts.
  • Skirts should be knee length or full length and be of a plain school style. Uneven hems, stretch lycra style (tight tube) and frills are not allowed. ‘A’ Line or pleated styles are permitted.
  • Trousers should be ‘business style’ and not be made of denim, lycra or other fashion materials. They must be full length. No skinny styles or leggings are permitted.
  • An abaya, if worn, should be worn underneath school uniform. A school shirt and tie must be visible and worn over the top. If trousers are worn underneath then they must be plain black business style trousers.
  • UGG Boots or similar, trainers, plimsolls and backless ‘flip-flop’ design shoes are not permitted.

Make Up, Jewellery, Piercings and Nails

  • Make up, if worn, must be discrete. Students will be asked to remove it if it is deemed excessive.
  • Earrings must be small, flat studs only; a small nose stud may be worn. No other jewellery must be worn.
  • No acrylic or false nails of any kind. We allow students to have painted, natural nails, provided they are rounded and not protruding past the end of the finger. This is for health and safety reasons. Students will be withdrawn from the main school and educated in H.AP until acrylics are removed.
  • We do not allow visible piercings, other than flat studs in the ears, and a small nose stud. Facial piercings, including those in the nose and mouth are not permitted.
  • We strictly enforce this and students will be expected to remove them, irrespective of when the piercing was carried out. Refusal to do so will result in sanctions being applied, including seclusion in H.AP until such time as the piercing is taken out.

We consider that we have a generous and permissive policy with respect to discrete make up and nail polish, and students are appreciative of the policy. However, with this come respect and responsibility. We will not enter into a debate with any student or parent about what we consider to be an acceptable interpretation of the policy. Any student that refuses to follow staff instructions to remove make up, jewellery or inappropriate nails will be immediately withdrawn from the main school until they comply.

The Headteacher’s decision on what constitutes an acceptable interpretation of our uniform and appearance policy is final. If you are unsure about an item of high street schoolwear please check with us before you buy.

Buying Uniform

We stock a small amount of branded uniform items in school, which you can purchase via Parentmail, or you can purchase our uniform from PMG Schoolwear:

Unit 4, Swan Wharf Business Centre, Waterloo Road, Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 2RA

Opening hours Monday – Friday 9.30am – 5.00pm
Tel. 01895 809326
E-mail uxbridge@pmgretail.co.uk
Website www.pmgschoolwear.co.uk

Sixth Form Dress Code

As part of the Sixth Form Code of Conduct, students are required to wear business dress along with their lanyard and ID for safeguarding purposes. Students must wear tailored trousers or skirt (knee or ankle length), a shirt/blouse and smart shoes. The overall appearance should be of a formal nature.
No denim, trainers, T–Shirts, shorts, caps or hoods are permitted.

Sixth Form students who are not dressed appropriately will be sent home to change and will be expected to catch up with any missed lessons in their own time.

Financial Assistance with uniform

Please contact your child’s Head of Year for a confidential discussion if you are having difficulty with the cost of uniform. There is no longer an automatic entitlement to uniform assistance on receipt of free school meals or other benefits but we aim to help with the cost of uniform wherever possible.

Lost Property

All items of clothing should be clearly marked with the student’s name. Lost property will be kept until the end of each term and then donated to charity.

‘Snowday’ Uniform Amendment

In severe weather, the school may operate a ‘Snowday’ uniform amendment. We inform parents via the Website and Parentmail if this is the case and give full details of when the ‘Snowday’ amendment is in force.

When ‘Snowday’ is in operation, students may wear trainers, boots or any other appropriate footwear so that they can travel safely to and from school. They can also wear additional jumpers and ‘hoodies’ to and from school and these will not be confiscated.


A student pocket planner and lanyard will be provided at the start of the school year. If a student loses their pocket planner or lanyard, they must pay for a replacement, available from their Head of Year or the Finance Department.

There are a number of items that a student needs to be able to take a full and active part in learning at Harlington School. These are listed below, and should be carried by students at all times:

  • 2 or more Black or blue writing pens
  • Pencil and coloured pencils
  • Eraser
  • Ruler (12 inch or 30cm)
  • Pencil case
  • A Scientific Calculator – can be purchased from the school finance office
  • A Mathematics Set – can be purchased from the school finance office
  • A small pocket dictionary
  • A reading book
  • A school bag (a rucksack is best) that is large enough to carry A4 exercise books and a PE
  • Students are also encouraged to purchase a foreign language dictionary when they begin their languages lessons and also to purchase a technology apron for art and D & T lessons.


Students are able to rent a locker for one academic year at a cost of £18.00.

Please visit https://locker.rentals/ and complete the requested information. Students will be allocated a locker accordingly. Please be advised there are currently not enough lockers for every student, so they are allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Please direct all payment and locker code queries to Prefect Lockers on 0845 880 2426. For all other queries, please speak to the Finance Office on 0208 587 3511.

Students are only permitted to access lockers at the start and end of the day and during break and lunchtimes.