The success of the Sixth Form has led to considerable growth over recent years, which has allowed a significant increase in our course offer with the addition of several BTEC courses. Our most able students study for an Extended Project Qualification (EPQ), in turn, assisting applications to the high-ranking university institutions.
Whilst there is focus on the academic, we firmly believe in developing rounded individuals. Students benefit from a varied enrichment programme that provides opportunities such as volunteering, debating, leadership, charity involvement, sporting activities and our annual Summer Ball. Year 12 prefects are selected at the beginning of the Sixth Form journey and the Sixth Form leadership team help to organise and run the school council which includes organising events for students of all ages.
The Sixth Form at Harlington is a purposeful and supportive place to study. We continually seek to review our provision in order to best serve the needs of a diverse school population. We feel strongly in students undergoing the full ‘Sixth Form experience’ and we hope you will view Harlington as the right place for you.
‘Students make good progress in the sixth form, as a result of effective teaching. Leaders of the sixth form sharply monitor the performance of students, and make improvements to the quality of teaching. They are working well with subject leaders to raise the achievement of individuals. The sixth form is well led.’
- The highest possible quality of teaching
- An ethos of scholarship , grounded in learning and high personal aspirations
- A Level and Vocational courses which meet personalised learning needs
- Access to high quality learning resources
- Opportunities for voluntary work in the school and wider community
- One week of work experience with a local employer
- Educational visits, conferences and workshops appropriate to main areas of study
- Half-termly feedback from my subject teachers regarding their progress
- Access to the Sixth Form Study Centre and Cafe
- High quality advice about routes to University entrance and higher education
- An effective post 16 tutorial programme
- A personal tutor who will provide individual support for learning and progress
- Advice in relation to Gap Year opportunities
- Additional financial awards to UK students if eligible
- Recognition and reward for excellent progress and contribution to the life of the school and Sixth Form
- A commitment to respond to any concerns
16 to 19 Bursary Fund
Students aged 16-19 are able to apply for a bursary to help with education-related costs. To find out more please click on the links below.
Hillingdon Borough Post 16 Prospectus
Please find attached here the link to access the Post 16 Prospectus from the Hillingdon borough.