The next chapter in your journey
At Harlington we are extremely proud of our Sixth Form students and the vibrant contribution they make to everyday school life.
Our Sixth Form students join us having attained a wide range of academic achievements in Year 11 from both our own KS4 and a wide range of other schools. Our Sixth Form is inclusive and we believe in offering a fresh start for all. All students, whatever their starting point and history, can progress in KS5 and aspire to high standards. Through fostering this approach and encouraging everyone to aim high, students make excellent progress during their time in the Sixth Form.
Achievement is high, with more than 80% of all A Level grades being between A* and C and up to 100% in many subjects. This enables the majority of students to progress to their university of choice or to secure apprenticeships with many of them continuing to the most prestigious Russell Group institutions.
The success of the Sixth Form has led to considerable growth over recent years, which has allowed a significant increase in our course offer with the addition of several BTEC courses. Our most able students study for an Extended Project Qualification (EPQ), in turn, assisting applications to the high-ranking university institutions.