Computing & ICT

A high-quality computing education equips pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. Computing has deep links with mathematics, science, and design and technology, and provides insights into both natural and artificial systems. The core of computing is computer science, in which pupils are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work, and how to put this knowledge to use through programming. Building on this knowledge and understanding, pupils are equipped to use information technology to create programs, systems and a range of content. Computing also ensures that pupils become digitally literate – able to use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through, information and communication technology – at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world.


The national curriculum for computing aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • can understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation
  • can analyse problems in computational terms, and have repeated practical experience of writing computer programs in order to solve such problems
  • can evaluate and apply information technology, including new or unfamiliar technologies, analytically to solve problems
  • are responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology.

Key Stage 3

Key Stage 4 IT

Course content

The Cambridge National in Information Technologies improves students’ knowledge of the digital environment and their confidence with IT. They learn about data management issues and develop practical skills by planning and creating an integrated technological solution to communicate information.

This qualification will teach the learner what different technologies could be used, why they should use them and how to make best use of them, to gather, store, manipulate and present data; this is known as data management.

They will learn about tools and techniques for use in different digital hardware and software technologies, and how these can be integrated to create digital solutions to manage and communicate data and information. They will also be taught what data and information are and the legal, ethical and moral considerations when using technology to gather, store and present data and information, and how to mitigate the risks of cyber-attacks. Activities focus mainly on using software, such as web development, spreadsheets and database. There are also some focus on Computer hardware and storage. Through this qualification they will be able to select and use the most appropriate technology safely and effectively, to complete a data management task, such as a cable TV provider monitoring customers’ viewing to make recommendations for additional packages in the customer’s subscription.

They will also learn to follow a project life cycle of initiation, planning, execution and evaluation to complete a data management task and use their skills, knowledge and understanding of technology to complete each of the phases of the project life cycle.

The skills, knowledge and understanding they will develop through this qualification are very relevant to both work and further study. They will support them in a range of subject areas such as A Levels in Business, Geography, and Level 3 Cambridge Technical in IT. They can also support their progression into employment through Apprenticeships and degree courses.

Computing and ICT Curriculum Journey

Exam Board – OCR



Exam (1.75 hours) Understanding tools, Techniques, methods and processes for technological solutions 50% of qualification
Non exam assessment Developing technological solutions 50% of qualification

Key Stage 4 Computer Science

Course content

The Computing department offers GCSE Computer Science as an alternative to IT. This course will give students an in-depth understanding of how computer programming underpins computer technology.
AQA GCSE in Computer Science falls into two parts:

  1. Computer Programming Project

The programming project develops a student’s ability to use the knowledge and skills gained through the course to solve a problem. Students will be expected to follow a systematic approach to problem solving, working independently to demonstrate their ability, and be consistent with the skills described in the subject content. Students will produce a computer program to solve the programming project and a written report: totalling 20 hours of timetabled work.

  1. Computer Fundamentals

The second section of the course accounts for 100% of the GCSE and falls in line with the current schemes of work from the Enterprise computing area. This section is externally assessed through written exams. The examination will include a range of types of questions from short to extended answer.
Students studying this specification will learn how to create applications that:

  • Run on mobile devices
  • Operate in a web enable environment.

In addition, they will:

  • Learn how program in Python to a high level
  • Gain an understanding of the fundamental concepts around creating software applications
  • Have opportunities to work collaboratively
  • Learn the fundamentals of cyber-security

The AQA board has support links from industry such as Microsoft, who have been involved in the creation of this GCSE curriculum and have tailored the course content around identified industry needs.

Hours taught per week – 2

Computer Science Journey

Exam Board – AQA



Exam (2 hours) Computational thinking and programming skills 50% of qualification
Exam (1.75 hours) Computing concepts 50% of qualification

Key Stage 5 Computer Science A Level

Course content

In a world where computers and computer technology play a huge part of our lives, through education, leisure and in our homes. Computers also form a key part of business, government and industry.

In A level Computer Science, students learn the principles of computing, algorithms, computer program-ming, machine data representation, hardware and software computer systems), computer architecture, networking and databases.

Computer Science aims to deepen your subject knowledge, develop an analytical mind and a desire for problem solving and designing solutions. Computing aims to improve the quality of life for individuals and essential to the future wellbeing of society.

Computer Science is a highly regarded qualification, particularly if you are considering a career in any aspect of Computing. The career opportunities are enormous and the demand for skilled computer sci-entists continues to increase. The range of careers include A.I., Aerospace, Application developer, Cyber security, Games Developer, Networking, Soft-ware engineers, the list goes on.

Exam Board – OCR



Exam (2.5 hours) Computer systems 40% of qualification
Exam (2.5 hours) Algorithms and programming 40% of qualification
Non exam assessment Programming project 20% of qualification

Key Stage 5 IT Essentials in PC Hardware and Software

Course content

The Cisco Networking Academy® IT Essentials curriculum provides an introduction to the technical skills needed to help meet the growing demand for entry-level ICT professionals. The curriculum covers the fundamentals of com-puter hardware and software as well as advanced concepts such as security, networking, and the responsibilities of an ICT professional. The curriculum offers the following benefits:

  • Students develop working knowledge of how computers operate, how to assemble computers, and how to trou-bleshoot hardware and software issues.
  • Hands-on labs and the Virtual Laptop and Virtual Desktop learning tools help students develop critical thinking and complex problem-solving skills. The course emphasizes the practical application of skills and procedures needed for hardware and software installations, upgrades, and troubleshooting.
  • Cisco® Packet Tracer simulation-based learning activities promote the exploration of networking and network security concepts, while allowing students to experiment with network behaviour.
  • Online assessments provide immediate feedback to support the evaluation of knowledge and acquired skills.
  • The course helps students develop the career skills needed to successful communicate within an ICT business environment and interact with customers

Curriculum Learning Journey

Exam Board – Cisco Networking Academy

Assessment – Chapter Examinations and Practical assessments

Key Stage 5 Cambridge Technical Level 3 in IT

Course content

This is an industry approved course with a high focus on Global information and cyber-security. The OCR Level 3 Cambridge Technicals in IT are an Award that offers a thorough knowledge of IT. The Applied General Award is designed for those wishing to attend University or con-sidering a route into the employment. The course has two Mandatory units in Year 12, the Fundamentals of IT and Global information, both externally examined. This accounts for 180 Guided Learning Hours.

In the second year students follow the Applied Award for progression to University or Apprenticeship. There is one Mandatory Unit on Cyber Security, externally assessed through formal examination. There are two internally assessed units on Product development and on the Internet of Everything.  We have an outstanding record of consistently high results.

Assessment –

There is one internally assessed unit which is marked and submitted to the exam board for moderation.

Externally Examined units are the Mandatory and examined in January and June. Students are allowed one resit. Results are published in March and August.