Film and Media

Media studies enables students to:

  • Demonstrate skills of enquiry, critical thinking, decision-making and analysis
  • Acquire knowledge and understanding of a range of important media issues
  • Develop appreciation and critical understanding of the media and their role both historically and currently in society, culture and politics
  • Understand and apply specialist subject-specific terminology to analyse and compare media products and the contexts in which they are produced and consumed in order to make informed arguments, reach substantiated judgements and draw conclusions about media issues
  • Appreciate how theoretical understanding supports practice and practice supports theoretical understanding
  • Develop practical skills by providing opportunities for creative media production

Film Studies enables students to develop knowledge and understanding of:

  • The ways in which meanings and responses are generated through film
  • A contrasting, culturally diverse range of films from different national contexts film as an aesthetic medium
  • The relationship between film and film technology over time
  • How films reflect the social, cultural and political contexts in which they are made

Curriculum Learning Journeys

Key Stage 5 Media Studies A Level

This course offers students a unique insight into the mass media, developing a critical understanding of media products, industries and audiences across the worlds of print, radio, TV, film and new digital technologies. Media Studies is a stimulating, creative subject that helps students to develop skills and attitudes that are valuable for employment in any career. Through its study, students develop analytical, research and practical production skills and this course offers an excellent foundation for a wide range of careers in media industries such as advertising, journalism, graphic design, film, television and radio production, marketing and promotion or for those who wish to pursue further study.

Media Curriculum Learning Journey

Exam Board – Eduqas



Exam (2.25 hours) Media Products, Industries and Audiences 35% of qualification
Exam (2.5 hours) Media Forms and Products in Depth 35% of qualification
Non exam assessment Cross-Media Production 30% of qualification

Key Stage 5 Film Studies A Level

Film is one of the main cultural innovations of the 20th century and a major art form of the last hundred years. Those who study it characteristically bring with them a high degree of enthusiasm and excitement for what is a powerful and culturally significant medium, inspiring a range of responses from the emotional to the reflective. Film Studies consequently makes an important contribution to the curriculum, offering the opportunity to investigate how film works both as a medium of representation and as an aesthetic medium.

A level in Film Studies aims to enable learners to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:

  • a diverse range of film, including documentary, film from the silent era, experimental film and short film
  • the significance of film and film practice in national, global and historical contexts
  • film and its key contexts (including social, cultural, political, historical and technological contexts)
  • how films generate meanings and responses
  • film as an aesthetic medium
  • the different ways in which spectators respond to film.
  • It also aims to enable learners to:
    • apply critical approaches to film and
    • apply knowledge and understanding of film through either filmmaking or screenwriting.

Film Curriculum Learning Journey

Exam Board – Eduqas



Exam (2.25 hours) Varieties of film and filmmaking 35% of qualification
Exam (2.5 hours) Global filmmaking perspectives 35% of qualification
Non exam assessment Production 30% of qualification