School Life

Life at Harlington is vibrant and varied. Parents/carers and students should be able to find all of the required information in this section of the website but paper copies of any of the documents are available on request. All information can also be translated by using the ‘google translate’ button at the bottom of the website.

Life at Harlington is vibrant and varied. Parents/carers and students should be able to find all of the required information in this section of the website but paper copies of any of the documents are available on request. All information can also be translated by using the ‘google translate’ button at the bottom of the website.


Our main method of communication is ParentMail; a secure email system that allows us to send letters electronically to parents/carers. Harlington HEADlights is a weekly newsletter which includes key updates, student successes and important dates. This is published on the website here and also sent via ParentMail. Text messages are used for important reminders or urgent messages.

We believe that strong links between home and the school are vital; if we work together your children’s educational outcomes will be more successful. If you have concerns about the school or your child then please contact us. A list of contact numbers and email addresses can be found in the ‘Contact Us’ section of the website.

It is very important that all student details are kept up-to-date, especially parents’ telephone numbers so that we can contact you in an emergency and inform you of same day detentions. Please keep us informed of any changes in circumstances or worries that your child might have at home, such as an ill relative, so that we can support them whilst they are at school.


Communication with staff

It is not always possible to interrupt the normal running of the school day to meet parents but appointments are available on request. Our staff can be contacted via the Main School Office or via email. Please note we operate an email curfew to protect staff work–life balance and do not expect staff to respond to emails outside of the working day. If staff receive an email from a parent they will respond with a telephone call at an appropriate time.


If parents have any concerns about their child, they should always contact the school. In the first instance parents should meet with either the appropriate Head of Year, or for more general matters, the child’s Form Teacher. If parents feel that the situation is serious or urgent, they should arrange to see the Head of House – the relevant Deputy Headteacher. The Headteacher/Associate Headteacher will meet with parents, but would normally expect the Deputy Headteachers, to try to resolve matters before they are escalated to them.

Please note that all staff have teaching timetables, and it is not always possible to speak to someone if you arrive unannounced at the school. We would therefore ask that you make an appointment to see a member of staff so that they can arrange a time when they are not teaching to meet with you. We also ask you to note the points made in this Handbook with respect to email communications.

The school will work hard to meet the needs and answer concerns of parents. If however, once you have spoken to the Headteacher, you still feel as if the issue is not resolved you may complain in writing to the Governing Body. If you still feel that the matter has not been resolved satisfactorily, the Governing Body will establish a panel to hear the complaint. You are entitled to attend the hearing and to bring someone with you, if you wish.

If we have any concerns about your child, we will contact you at the earliest opportunity to arrange a convenient time to discuss the situation with you.

Useful links and how to guides


FROG is our learning portal where students and parents can find student timetables and homework tasks. Family login details are issued at the beginning of the Autumn term. Once you have your details you can login via the website Alternatively you can download the school Frog App at either

Google Play 

App Store 

Below you can find links to log in to both the student and parent portals along with several how-to guides.

Link to log in to FROG

General guide to using FROG 

Guide to submitting work 

Guide to taking a Quiz 

Guide to Text Activity Widgets 

Guide to Parent Portal 

Guide to Translating a page on FROG 

Office 365

Office 365 is the application we use for student email. Please find a link below to a how-to guide for logging in and sending emails.

Guide to sending an email with 365